Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Third Time's the charm

I have tried to start a blog two times already but I guess I wasn't motivated enough. Now I think I am. The catalyst for me deciding to do this again was my 36 year old sister telling me on Friday that she is pregnant. Why would this get me motivated you ask? My husband and I have been together almost thirteen years and married for almost seven and we have been trying to have kids for oh, let's say at least 12 of those years. I have had two miscarriages that I know of and we have each been tested for almost everything under the sun. The doctor can't find anything out of the ordinary. My sister has two daughters, one 18 and one 13. I don't know if she was trying to get pregnant or not but obviously she doesn't have any problems in that department. After I got over my shock at the news, I did hug her and congratulate her but deep down inside I was sad at the news. I know that sounds really selfish, but all I want is one and I don't understand why I haven't had any success.

To give you a little background on this, I am 39 years old the 4th of eight kids. My mom had no problem getting pregnant, she had nine pregnancies in 11 years. My grandmother had 10 kids. My oldest sister has three kids, the pregnant sister is on her third and my baby sister has one child. I am the only sister who is or has been married and I am the only sister who has no kids. I'm actually the only one of the eight of us who has never had kids. Don't get me wrong I love my nieces and nephews some more than others but that is only because I was there for their births so I feel a little closer to them and I am around them more than the others.

I told myself after my sister dropped the bomb on us, that I was going to do everything possible to try and get pregnant starting as soon as my next fertile time comes around. So there you have it, my motivation to get this blog going!

I am going to post on here every day whether anyone else sees it or not. I need to do something to keep me focused on my goal. I actually need to get on the phone now and make an appointment with my general doctor for a physical and with my ob to get an annual check up with him.

So here's to my third start at trying to get this blog off the ground!!!


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